Thursday, April 12, 2007

Swap Goodies

This Easter swap package arrived from my friend Novastarlet. Look at the adorable spring mascots she made for me! I love Miss Duck and her sleepy bunny friend. She also made me a pouch with ice cream applique. Her pouches have been in great demand in our swapping circles on Craftster. Novastarlet is learning embroidery, but I think she already looks like a pro. Some people are really naturals at detailed stitching.

Here's the whole package with the extras she added.
Novastarlet made me pouches last time we swapped for Valentines day. I love them. I don't care if you think these are the kinds of things you'd give your kids to use. These are mine! (I use the pink one in my purse and the blue one for special occasions. Even the lining fabric she uses is cute.
We've been stretching our mascot making skills. Mascots is the term for them from the Japanese pattern books. Other people call them small stuffies or maybe felt toys. Mascots to me implies some sort of the Cute Japanese Style. She and I have many of the same Japanese pattern books. Often they are worked in flat shapes and you stitch the parts together with small exposed stitches. Sometimes when I make them, I use contrasting thread, to emphasize the hand stitching, but I have used the sewing machine with good success on some complicated robots I made a few months ago.

Stay tuned! Novastarlet and I are encouraging each other to start selling. Likely on etsy, because that's where it seems everyone crafty is selling...


  1. Yay - I'm so glad that you liked the Easter Swap package. I tried to make it a little more colorful than the last one.

    I actually found the perfect lining fabric for the ice cream fabric the weekend after I shipped it to you. It is a dark yellow color with criss-cross lines - just like an ice cream cone. :D

    Thanks so much for swapping!

  2. Lucky! That little pouch with the ice cream cone is the *cutest*
