Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Random things

Nobody tagged me that I know about, but here are some random things about me. I'll let you decide if they qualify as "weird":

1) I routinely fall asleep in action movies, particularly during the "exciting" sequences.

2) As a teenager, my dream car was a station wagon. I always thought that sports cars and sedans were impractical. This has not changed, although now I'd like a fuel-efficient minivan.

3) I have giant feet and hands. I wear men's sized gloves, socks, and shoes.

4) I "watch" (actually "craft-to") Oprah and The View every morning. The View is goofy and Oprah has a lot of "Well, Duh" moments, but I watch anyway.

5) I didn't realize how much I enjoy quiet solitude until my children entered grade school and I had long hours alone in my house.

6) I have terrible listening skills. I can't remember names until I see them written down and I must doodle to pay attention in classes. Conversations are different. I remember those, but there are more visual and social cues in a conversation.

7) I blog actively and embrace the internet, but I am a lone holdout against cell phone ownership.

8) I have always hated writing. Can you tell? I do, however, like chatty correspondence and explaining things, so blogging is fun.

If you read this, have a blog and haven't done the list of weird or random things, consider yourself tagged!


  1. As a long, LONG time lurker of your blog, I felt inspired to comment.
    I adore reading people's "goofy" facts and yours were no exception! But I want to say that I too have no cell phone, so you aren't alone.
    We also haven't had tv reception or cable in many, many years so I like to tune in through the web and newspapers/magazines.
    And I'm a station wagon lover myself! We have one and it gets 36 MPG, but I do miss my 1961 bug that got a WHOLE lot more!

  2. Hi, another lurker here. :) The random facts are always fun.
    I lived in Chicago for 6 years, so I enjoy seeing your pics of the city!

  3. Hi Susie! I found your blog from your flickr account. I always like to read random bits about people. Glad to know more about you!

    Oh, and your new hair clips are SO cute!


  4. Nice to know more about you Susie! -Marichelle

  5. Yes! Yes! I'm the only person I know without a cell phone. Years back, it was just my family and friends who used to shake their heads in exasperation at me - now doctors' receptionists, dog groomers, school secretaries, librarians - etc. etc. etc.! feel the need and the moral right to look at me as if I've just said, no I don't believe in feeding my children when I confess to not having a cell phone number. But I do looooove my laptop!

  6. OK, you've got me. I left some facts about me on my site. BTW, my first car that I drove in HS was my sister's station wagon complete with baby seat in the back but it sure did move fast!
