Saturday, January 24, 2009

25 Random Things Meme

Alex tagged me on Facebook with these 25 random things. I love reading these things about people. I'm not going to single anyone out, so consider yourself tagged if you read this and feel like sharing silly disjointed thoughts.

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You must tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

I'm supposed to post these at Facebook, but I'm putting them here instead. These are my 25 things:

I almost minored in Spanish in college until we got to serious grammar and I lost interest. I was all about conversational Spanish.



Lived and taught school in south Texas

Happily moved back to the chilly Midwest

The worst thing about being a stay-at-home parent is the constant, unceasing requirement to provide foods for the family.

The best thing is time!

The other best thing is shopping while all the people with crazy lives are at work.

I wear men’s shoes and men’s socks whenever possible.

I spent two summers as a teenager in rural Latin America building latrines and giving immunizations. I slept several nights in a chicken house. Roosters do not crow in the morning. They crow all night long to each other across the countryside.

I love movies, but I dislike action movies most courtroom scenes. Courtroom scenes are lazy screenwriting. That’s my official position.

I love dipping buttered toast into my hot chocolate.

I love slow cooker meals, but I don’t like to think about cooking supper right after breakfast.

Sometimes tourist traps are really fun. Have you ever been to a Ripley’s Believe it or Not! museum or the Wisconsin Dells?

Golf courses are ugly. (Edited much later: I don't like all the artificial landscaped look. I like things to seen natural and less composed.)

I don’t think I’m ever going to finish that one quilt I stuffed under the bed. Who am I kidding…

I feel spiritually called to be a teacher, but I also feel called to stay home with my kids. When is the right time to go back to my profession? I am not sure.

The secret to delicious Kraft mac ‘n cheese is lots of extra shredded cheddar and always use butter not margarine.

In fact, always use butter except when you should use light cooking oil or olive oil.

I will smile and say something nice about those brownies you made from a boxed mix, but I can tell the difference and I feel just a little bit sad for you. There is nothing easier to bake than homemade brownies.

My car is messy. I pretend to care, but I really don’t care that much or I would clean it out more often. I also don't care that your car is messy. Really.. I mean it. Don't worry about that.

My house is also kind of messy except that one day when the cleaning service comes and I organize everything.

The best way to use free time is to read. I wish I did that more often because a very alluring way to use free time is video games and television.

I must procrastinate to get things finished. I work well under pressure, but I am usually quite relaxed so I have to amp up my stress by putting things off.

I get kind of bored at the beach. I’d rather be at the mountains or in a lovely cool north woods out of the direct sun.


  1. Fascinating!

    I love slow-cooker meals too, because I loved coming home after work and smelling dinner. My trick was to chop up everything the night before, sometimes even brown the meat & stick it all in the fridge overnight. Then in the morning I just had to add the liquid and plug it in.

  2. My kitchen is a disaster at night because my husband does the dishes in the morning before he leaves for work. I bet I could get him to do the dishes in the evening with the promise of a pot roast when he comes home the next night. maybe I'll try that one this week.

  3. That thing about the car? So True. Who cares if your car is messy? I love me some messy cars.

  4. The brownies! I love that you are sad for everyone.

    I think the same thing with cookies. I know they come in a roll but come on you can make them yourself.
