Monday, February 23, 2009

New Computer

Goodness, it's like we died and went to computer klutz heaven!  Since neither my husband or I cares to ever really learn the ins and outs of Microsoft, we purchased an iMac over the weekend.  It is so nice!   I am happy to find that much of our family photos were uploaded to Flickr or Shutterfly so we only have a small window of missing photos.  My craft pictures are all on Flickr and we did a bare minimum of word processing on that computer.  Transferring the Flip Videos we took and uploaded to the laptop has not been working...

There is a new call for reporters at Craft Critique.  Click HERE to read all about it!  Craft Critique is a popular craft product review site. 


  1. Aren't Macs Great! I have a MacBook Pro and my husband is next in line to get a Mac and he's looking at the iMac. (I got the MacBook Pro because I knew he would get the iMac, that way I can have both! hehe)

    Btw, I've been following your rss feed for about two weeks now and love your projects. Its great inspiration! Whenever I'm crocheting or sewing something for my daughter and get into a rut, your colorful photos and great ideas always inspire me to try something I wouldn't have thought of had I not ran into your blog! :) Great work :)

  2. Hi Susie! I am so glad you got a new comp! I have been thinking of a mac so please ell me how it goes! I am upset you cant get flip uploaded. hopefully you can!! HUGS!

  3. Hi Susie! I am so glad you got a new comp! I have been thinking of a mac so please ell me how it goes! I am upset you cant get flip uploaded. hopefully you can!! HUGS!

  4. Yeh. I went Macalicious last fall. It was the best decision I have ever made. :-)
