Monday, June 22, 2009

Pom Review and Wedding

I reviewed another pom pom making tool for Craft Critique. Read my thoughts HERE. Turns out that even though it's cheap, it is still not worth it.


Today is my 18th Wedding Anniversary! The years tick by faster and faster all the time. I was almost the first of all my friends to get married right after college. We were so happy then and it has just gotten better over the years. We sort of only celebrate the big anniversaries every 5 years, but I think we'll go out to a nice restaurant tonight.
2007 09 13 020_edited-1

It rained on our wedding day in 1991, and that is supposed to be good luck. It was! We had a big traditional wedding early in the day. I was blissfully ignorant about wedding planning and just went with the flow. I remember my Mom planned the food and my younger brother figured out the wine-and-beer bar offerings. We hired a talented florist who was just starting out. I told her that I liked big romantic flowers and pink and she did the arrangements and they were perfect. Actually, the florist was a nervous wreck and my mom and I were calming her down.

Our cake was a delicious chocolate with raspberry cassis. Our baker was being featured in Better Homes and Gardens and she called us up the week before the wedding to tell us that our cake was being photographed for the magazine! It was in the batter stage and the photos never ran, but still! That was fun!

We married in my north suburban Chicago hometown, but at the time we were living in hot and steamy south Texas and hoped for cool honeymoon location. My husband and I do not tolerate hot weather very well. It was our dream to go to Alaska, but we were young and low on funds, so we went to San Francisco instead. It was chilly and rainy there that week, but we loved the weather. Alaska is still our dream vacation and we have never been able to go. We have been to Hawaii and it was nice, but it was not Alaska... Maybe for the 20 year celebration.


  1. How pretty you look! Congratulations! Here's to many more years of wedded bliss!

  2. Happy Anniversary!!

    I got married the year before you and my dress was very similar in style to yours, as was my veil =). Our wedding was in Houston in September, so I can totally relate to the heat + humidity issue -- I can only imagine how low my dad must've set the thermostat in their house in order to keep he and I, the two hot-natured ones, from wilting in our fancy duds!! (my wedding was at my dad and stepmom's house).

    We took a belated honeymoon to Jamaica for our 5th anniversary, but I agree with you that Alaska sounds like a nice trip. I'm not big on cold weather, but I'd rather have cold than humidity!!

    Thanks for sharing your wedding memories. Here's to many more years of anniversaries for you and your hubby!
