Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Indoor Picnic

It rained on the 4th here, so we had our picnic inside at my parents' house. My mom has fun little decorations for every holiday.
Land that I Love

Mom can get things looking really cute!

Table Set for 4th!

She has a vintage styled red and white kitchen and she has vintage collections on display there.

Coffee and Uncle Sam

There is little point to collecting things if you don't use them!

Vignette in Mom's Kitchen

My daughter and I made little yarn pom poms for everyone. We waved them at the parade earlier in the day and a little bit during our indoor picnic at the dining room table.

Yarn Pom

I'm getting us ready for our annual weekend escape to The Cabin in Wisconsin with a large group of old friends who did Stage Crew with me back in high school. I'm bringing up gallons of homemade ice cream and a vat of hummus. It is such fun to get together with friends who remember all the fun antics of our teenage years! We've been doing this for 25 years or so. I don't look nearly so cute in a bathing suit as I did back then, but who cares!


  1. This is so funny! My husband went to New Trier and graduated in 87. :) He grew up in Northfield. Small world!
