Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tea Towel Tour Round 5!

I think this might be my 7th Tea Towel Tour! This is the stitching I did for SarahJ2001:

Roller Coaster Embroidery

Stalking her revealed a love for roller coasters, so I thought this coloring book motif would be perfect.


And because I love it when people do these title motifs, but I never do it myself, here is SarahJ's stitching for her own towel. She says she is new to embroidery, but she did a great job!


In other news, I think we had the H1N1 flu in our house over the weekend. It hit my husband and son hard, but my daughter and I have no symptoms. It was a nasty flu, but it didn't last that long. Turns out there is no real way of knowing if it was the notorious virus going around because they can only test for that when symptoms are just beginning or at their worst, and.. uh... my guys were stuck in the bathroom at that point. In any case, we are on the mend, but we missed some fun Labor Day activities we were looking forward to!


  1. How does the tea towel tour work? I think something like that would be fun.

  2. It is fun! It can be a bear to manage, though.. We have a good system for it on Craftster. If people don't follow through it is really really disappointing.

    We break into groups of 5 or 6 based usually on shipping proximity. Each group has a group leader who keeps track of the progress. I'm usually a group leader.

    Each person has a lightly colored "towel" they send around (or an apron, pillow form, or cloth). Stitching passes around the group round robin style. When you receive each towel in your group, you have one week to stitch a motif of your choosing. People who choose to do a tea towel tour need to be ready to stitch at this pace! After a couple of months, your towel comes back to you with terrific, thoughtful, cute, fun things stitched all over it!

    The trick to a successful tour is screening the participants so that you can get a good idea that they are serious. Another important thing is to keep it all moving. Swaps that drag out over several months lose all the fun. Our Tea Towel Tour last fall was the Top Swap on Craftster, which is pretty great!

  3. Wow! I just wanted to let you know how fabulous this little guy is, and warn you about your cute little button pockets.

    They came out fabulous, but be very, very careful. Making little pockets is addictive. I think it's the instant gratification. Anyways, watch it, or you may need intervention.

  4. I started one in the Spring of last year. My SIL dog chewed on it when she received it and it stopped. I would be interested in joining one!! (that works)

  5. thanks for the info... if anyone decides to start one, let me know!

  6. Omg Susie! I didnt realize the swine flu hit! Man I am so glad people are better. IT was SO FUN SEEING YOU THE OTHER DAY.
