Thursday, October 15, 2009

Maurice Sendak

Watching the hype about "Where the Wild Things Are" has me reminiscing about the books I loved as a child. Do you folks who were kids in the 1970's remember the Really Rosie specials that aired on TV? My mom had a record of these stories in her classroom and I would always listen to them and read along in the books when I went in to her school to "help out".

Here's the catchy "Chicken Soup With Rice":

I especially loved "Pierre". Yes, that's Carole King singing:

Let me know if you remember these too. Once when I was a teacher I had the Chicken Soup With Rice book and I talked to someone about the song and they thought I was totally crazy and didn't remember it at all.


  1. I have the dvd of half a dozen of the Rosie series, the Dutch Wild Things and Mickey in the Night Kitchen.

    I like Johnny, who likes to be by himself!

  2. I remember Chicken Soup With Rice! I'm going to track down the dvd that tarabu is talking about right now and put it on my kids' Amazon wish list!

  3. The one I have can be found at this link:
