Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween: The Aftermath

It was cold here! My son has decided that he is too old to trick-or-treat, so he stayed in and handled the door while we watched a "scary" movie. (Poltergeist made him jump a couple times, but he declares he wasn't scared t all.)

Lots of people were out-of-town, and we live on the side of the street that gets less trick-or-treaters. I have never ever had an impolite kid come to the door. My husband took my daughter around and it seems she knows every kid in the neighborhood. She's our little extrovert in an introverted family! I let her design our doorway display. Her costume is a vampire bat styled after one of her stuffed toys. At the last minute I made the ears from some polar fleece so that she could have her chilly ears covered.
These are my stand-by costumes for my husband and me. One year my husband was a skeleton with our son. I am a candy corn, but some kids think I am a fried egg. People totally laugh at me, but I think it is fun! I got the most laughs when I went as a giant duck. That costume has deteriorated, unfortunately.

We are rationing our candy! Hope your Halloween was a fun one!


  1. Cute costumes! I am envious of your height.

  2. SO CUTE! You guys are adorable!

  3. Love it! My son wanted to go trick or treating this year .. but as its not really "done" in Australia I was unsure whether to allow him to! looks like fun!

  4. Wonderful pictures. It seems you had big fun during the Halloween. It's a pity that Halloween is over. I think that this year it was great. Everyone who I know was happy and also our party was successful. Now, I have to finish cleaning of the house and pack the rest of decorations. But I'm looking forward to plan the next Halloween.

    Good luck,
