Remember, when things look wonky, another word for that is "charming". Case in point, our star topper:

I don't know about you all, but we didn't adjust that much with our gifts this year. Mostly because we did all that adjusting awhile ago. We don't exchange with nearly as many people as we used to and it is much easier. I put a lot of pressure on myself to make a bunch of things and I don't need to do that. I like the Handmade Pledge and all, but sometimes buying practical things like lotions, lip balm, and socks is really simple and easy and eases the time pressures of the season.
Of course, the season isn't really about the gifts for us. We have fun every night doing Advent readings, singing, and stories with our kids. We've been attending a new church and are happy to see that our children are connecting with the bible stories and theology in nice ways that they haven't before.
Here is a glimpse of some of what I've been making. I can't say what these things are for fear of discovery!

The gift below involved lots of little snaps. I am mad at the manufacturer Dritz. I just might boycott them. $2.50 for 7 size 16 (tiny) snaps?!? My friends, that is only 7 halves of the snaps, so in a package you only get 3.5 snaps! *grumble* The Prim company (available at WalMart) charges about $1.50 for an actual full set of 7 snaps. Maybe I'll get my revenge and write an article about snap buying woes at Craft Critique. I ended up using both of those types from the notions stores and found that they are interchangeable and then I ordered a big bunch of different snaps online to use later.

I thought I could put away my sewing machine and then I remembered that I wanted to make these:

Finally, I got a couple of pom pom makers for my birthday this fall. They are so fun! I'm using up my fuzzy acrylic making a stack of them to use on our gifts:

Overnight tonight we expect a foot of snow with a inch of sleety ice mixed in. I'm about 80% certain my children will not have school tomorrow. I hope to get some baking done! Granola and pumpkin bread! Mmmm... This weekend is our favorite holiday party at John's and our McKee family Christmas. Nana comes on Monday. Yay!
I thought stars were supposed to be wonky - ours always is! ;-) I love the pompoms for the presents and I am with you on the snaps - the price of buttons - and covered buttons especially! - if I'd made the wreath I wanted, the buttons would have cost me 10 times the wreath! Have a lovely time making bread in the snow. And a lovely Christmas!
the tree topper is very Dr. Seuss Mrs. Susie :D
Hey Susie,
Do you have those awesome snap pliers? If you don't you should definitely pick some up and do a review...I just went out to my mom's to use her's for some snaps I put on some baby bibs - soooo much better than pounding the nasty thing together. I thought I might also mention that I found some very decent prices on snaps at the local leather store althought it looks like you are useing baby/sleeper type snaps and I don't know if they carry those...I am always looking for cowboy shirt type ones.
Have a great holiday,
Rectangel- Thanks for your great tips! Before Christmas, I went online and ordered a big lot of snaps from the snap source:
I picked them because they are located right near where I used to live in Michigan and the prices were good for a large stash. I got their setting tool which worked great. I think I am all set with size 16 snaps for a long long time!
Looks like we are finally done with the "fall" round of our Tea Towel Tour. Are you ready to go again? ;-)
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