This is my set up for tomorrows craft show. I thought I didn't have enough stuff but when I put it all out, I think I have plenty. My daughter's 2nd grade friend thinks I should have made more things with monkeys, but she assures me that she'd spend a lot if she didn't have to keep her money in the bank ;-)
The sun already set around here, so these detail pics are blurry. I sometimes forget to photograph things before I sell them or give them as gifts and then I forget how I made them. Anyone else do that?
Kitty Pouches:

Surprised Owl:

Mushroom and Sunshine Overtaking Cloud:


Cupcake and Cookies:

I have a bunch more pouch designs. These are the ones I haven't shared yet.
They have a simple velcro closure and measure about 6 3/4 x 5 1/2 inches with a 1 1/4 inch square gusseted bottom and a velcro closure.
I also have embroidered hairclips, crochet flowers, Cotton crochet pots, and a few felt envelopes.
Wish me luck! (Edit: The show was tonight and my disc barrettes were my best sellers. I got great feedback. It was a really cold forbidding day weatherwise so it was kind of slow with customers.)
I do have an Etsy shop. You can email me there if you are interested in my work, but aren't local to suburban Chicago. Look for the little "Contact IamSusie" on the side of the shop page under "IamSusie's info". I ship worldwide!
Best wishes on your craft fair! I hope you come home with empty hands and full pockets!
I was trying to decide which is my favourite - but I can't. I love them all. Good luck!
Everything looks so pretty, wishing you lots of luck and lots of sales. I'm having one today too!
Just stumbled across your blog.... love it, love it, love it!!
Given half a chance I'd spend my entire day sewing, embroidering, quilting, crafting......
Oh awesome display! I still love that Little Red Riding Hood hair clip I got from you.
Send me an invite next time you do one!
Lotta- Invitations would have been a good idea! I didn't do a very good job getting the word out. We should have printed up invitation cards at a printer. Next time!
What a great set up! Yeah, I think monkeys are always pretty popular, but it's good to have a variety. I personally love the cloud one.... and the kitty ones... and well, most of them! =)
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