Independence day marks the halfway point of the summer. Yipes! We don't have any plans at all of any sort this weekend. I think we'll try to get some mulch put into the flower beds and catch some fireworks somewhere. I feel like making apple pie too. The weather here is supposed to be totally perfect with highs in the mid-70's. I wish we were going camping. We tried to reserve a campsite somewhere not far away, but everything was booked. Don't feel bad for us. We like open weekends like this. My husband in particular needs to chill out and rest on holidays.
We'll try to picnic somewhere instead. This is really such a fun holiday. I love how everyone of all ages and incomes, even the disillusioned teenagers, come out for the fireworks shows everywhere. When I was a teenager , we often went to downtown Chicago for the Taste of Chicago and the big fireworks show over Lake Michigan. Ahh the follies of youth. Now it is so crowded down there, I wouldn't ever dream of attending. It was crowded back then too, but we didn't really care.

This was a couple of years ago, but it is one of my favorite summer pics of the kids. Have a great weekend!
We're going to try to go to the Taste tomorrow by getting there first thing when it opens. We will take the Metra and free Trolley. We've never been so we have to go at least once.
The weather promises to be fantastic! Have a great time! We have what has grown into a phobia about crowds. The problem is exacerbated by hubby's hearing impairment.
I saw the fireworks on Lake Michigan once, from a boat... gosh, that was a long time ago!
But they were totally amazing, unforgettable.
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