I finished my manly project, but thank God he's married because embroidered napkins are the kinds of things a wife figures out how to use. (Sexist, I know... but you know what I mean.) I'll share that epic project later. I like the actual crafting, it's just all the doubt that the man will like the frivolous stitchy things I make...
My sweetie daughter drew this for me:

It's a "box of coclit" Shes a good reader, but the spelling is still coming.

Here's the "Owpen box of coclits"
Yummy! My husband actually did come home one day last week with an actual box of delicious bon-bons. He has never done this, ever. He wanted me to try them out to see if they were good enough to give his customers. I can handle that job! They passed with flying colors. I'd love to have a side career as a treat tester...
That is so cute. How creative.
You have to love moments like that...
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