I could have bought everything I saw, but I decided to narrow my purchases to Kaffe Fassett fabrics or ones that were very close to his style and color combinations. There weren't too many Amy Butler prints. Anna Maria Horner's Chocolate Lollipop hasn't made it to remnant status yet. Denyse Schmidt and Heather Bailey were other designers I wanted, but I decided to stick with one look.

Kaffe Fassett was featured at the Quilt Museum we'd just toured and my 7-year old daughter brought along her little sketch pad to record her inspirations. Too cute...
I also got these fabrics:

Today, It hit me like a bolt of lightning. I forgot about all the roving I purchased right before Christmas. I tucked it away in a drawer and it totally slipped my mind. This is why we have piles of our stuff projects left out in the house: out-of-sight, out-of-mind.
I got this gorgeous stuff from a seller on Etsy. It really soft and luxurious, but I haven't decided what I'm going to do with it.

If I knew how to spin, It would make some pretty terrific yarn. Our community college has a fiber spinning class that I'd like to take sometime...Hmmm....
Finally, here are the satin ribbons I bought in one of those surplus bags you see at the craft stores. This was from Hobby Lobby and was about $2 for the lot.

You did GOOOOOD! I haven't been to Hancock's of Paducah in years but I still remember that bin. You should go to Paducah during the big quilt show. Your head will surely spin.
Wow! that is quite the load of goodies! have fun with it all!
That colored fluffy stuff is beautiful!
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