First, this hamburger, with embroidered sesame seeds on the bun:

Here's an inside view. That is supposed to be ketchup on the burger:

The pattern was in this book ISBN 9784529042659 (or maybe 4529042650 at YesAsia..).
I also did some felt strawberries which are super easy. You just use a half circle of felt and stitch up the straight sides.. maybe I'll do a tutorial on that. The cherries are made from wool roving. I would have made more cherries, but I hardly had any red roving left!

I also have always wanted to make felt s'mores and here was my chance:

I also sent her the toast I made a few weeks ago for my Using Japanese Books Tutorial.
I am totally loving felt right now. I spent all day nursing a headache and stitching little monkeys and pirate island appliques.
OOh.. must quick hit "publish" John Adams is starting on HBO.
Edited to add: Abigail Adams is one of the most significant American women to ever live. She participated in many rich intellectual discussions with her husband and advised him at all aspects of his very public career. Why then in this HBO movie is she relegated to lovingly gazing at her husband (or longing mournfully at his absences) as he performs his political duties? This really irks me.... I know it's a film series about John Adams, but really... Why put her character in the story at all if they wont be fair about her contributions? Anyone else watching this on HBO? What do you think? My husband read most of the biography on which the film is based, but he didn't finish it. He observed sheepishly, "Um.. it's really really detailed about John Adams..."