Hooray! It's time for another round of our Tea Towel Tour! Signups are just starting. If your calendar is mostly free to turn around embroidery motifs in about a week (please don't be in the middle of a move or getting married in the next couple of months..) come join in! Sorry, active Craftsters only.... Edited to add: We've been filling up quickly! Our leader is holding open several international spots for embroiderers outside the USA. Don't miss out!
Here's a sampling of Tea Towel Tour stitching posted in our Flickr Group, Tea Towel Tours.

1. Aloha Baby, 2. Gnome Closeup, 3. doo_leroux's apron, 4. Gingy and the Evil Milk, 5. Tea Towel Tour 3 - Saffron for rectangel, 6. Cowgirl, 7. Puppy & Kitty Towel Extreme Close Up, 8. Tea Towel is Now Home
Will your group be the first to finish this time?
Yay, I made sign-ups for this go' round!!
Thanks for the link to the Flickr Group -- I have the galleries bookmarked on Craftster, but I think the Flickr Group would be a quicker way to browse.
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