Yes, we already saw HSM3. That clip is from the HSM2 which played on tv this summer. This sequel was good, although Troy and Gabriella are a bit too much for my taste. I like the Sharpay character (movies like this need a fun villain) and she was pretty scarce this go around of HSM. The audience in our theater squealed at the opening shot of Zac Efron and again later on when he took off his shirt. Our cineplex canceled the showing of whatever it was that was supposed to be playing in one of the theaters and filled it up with overflow ticket holders for HSM so I predict this will get a #1 showing when the receipts are tallied at the end of the weekend.
The place was awash is squealing little girls. Our poor son was dragged along and declared it the worst thing he's ever seen and insists that we owe him a movie. Twice they "punished" a character by making him go paint sets and hang lights which was exactly what I used to do in theater in high school. On the crew, we worked 5 days a week for several hours after school and all day long every Saturday. I'm pretty sure we had way more fun backstage, but nevermind about that.
I love it that musicals are making a comeback. They really are fun. This one isn't nearly as fantastic as Mamma Mia, but we had a good time. It did make me long to see Grease again. That was my favorite as a kid.
I love the week of Halloween because the movie channels show all kinds of vintage horror. If we had TiVo I would really be in b-movie horror heaven. I don't like to see scary films in the theater, because they are too strong. Actually I don't really want to see any horror films that date much later than about 1980. I like them better if it is all sort of stylized and unreal or very dated. A couple years ago I saw Suspiria on IFC. That one boasts what is probably the creepiest theme music ever. I was going to embed a videoclip, but the ones I found were kind of gory for a crafty blog. Some of you might have preferred to watch that than High School Musical 2, but I'll let you do your own You Tube search.
Here are some not at all scary ghost pins I made that same year I saw Suspiria. They are not inspired by the movie:

Your ghostpins are ADORABLE!
Hey - if you email me your mailing address I can send you an invite to my home party!
WOW those are so adorable!! I cant seem to get a blanket stitch to look right. I'm teaching myself but Im seriously mising these are so dang cute! Im going to London,England in December where I will see my first musical..Chicago! Im so excited. I too have a thing for them and love love love Grease!
Cute pins!
My 16yo daughter went to see HSM3 Friday night. The beauty of that situation is that I didn't have to go. She went with a group of girlfriends. She loved it. Even though I love musicals, I've never had the oomph to sit down and watch any of the HSM movies.
I also love Grease (except for the end when the car takes flight -- far-fetched for even a musical).
One of my favorite musicals is the Deborah Kerr/Yul Brynner version of The King and I. I haven't seen Mama Mia yet -- missed it in theaters -- but I will see it right away on On Demand or DVD.
This week definitely is a good week for horror movies. I'm always digging in the $5 bin of DVD's at WM, and last week I found Psycho II. My husband and I went to see it on our first date on Halloween in -- gulp -- 1983. We are saving it to watch for our 25th first date anniversary this Friday night. How romantic! =)
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