This was my 8-year old daughter's "secret project". She was inspired by the stack of synthetic felt I gave her to use in any project she chooses. This is impressive to me because she used her sewing machine all by herself without any supervision. I think she did a good job top stitching those pieces onto her pumpkin. She told me she even ripped out a seam with the seam ripper and didn't tear anything.

Last week daughter made a brass shrine of her tooth to impress the tooth fairy. She has been trying to extract more $$ from the tooth fairy with little success.

I saved this poster she made this summer. It says, "Craft is Cool, Oh Yeah". I wanted to make it in felt and embroidery, but haven't gotten to it yet.
My son sums up our family interests in a paper he did the first week of school, "On Sundays during the fall, me and my dad watch football. My sister and mom are really crafty. I'm not crafty." I wish my son didn't feel that creating things like this is a girl thing, but he just takes after his dad and appreciates this as a hobby, but is interested in other things. Son makes charming drawings of people with giant arms and hands and is interested in filming videos.
lol I love yoru Son's thoughts. AND THE pumbkin is the CUTEST!
Love that pumpkin. I really hope my daughters take to crafting!
Great "secret project" =)
My son crafts with me and doesn't think it's girly, but he doesn't craft nearly as much as I do. He likes doing perler bead stuff, making bday cards, things like that.
Cute stuff! It's great your daughter shares your love of crafting. Mine (now 16) always says she wants to do crafty stuff, but she just doesn't have the patience for it. Oh well, this way I'll always have a happy recipient of the fruits of my labor!
AWww, that is all so sweet!
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