American Road Trip. Now that gas prices are down again, we might allstart taking the road trips we put off. This one brings back memories of our stuffed car trips up to Minnesota for the holidays. We don't have to do that anymore, but it was fun in the days before we had the kids!

Here are some holiday and non-holiday treats:

Here are the treats I like to stitch. The cupcake is the easiest to cut out. Gingerbread man is really hard to cut because he needs to be symmetric. Hershey's Kiss cookies are a holiday tradition for us.

Finally, for today, I have these sock monkey pouches. The applique is from some great novelty fabric.

Put fray check on the outside of the fabric cut out to keep it from unraveling.

I've got more, but I'll share them tomorrow. All the pouches are interfaced for fabric stability. They have a velcro closure and measure about 7 inches by 5 1/2 inches. A few are listed in my Etsy Shop, including a Red Riding Hood and a Big Bad Wolf. I plan to list more, but most of the inventory will go into the show.
Hiya! I wanted to check out your blog. I knew you'd be talented and I was right. Woo! Love your work. I'm an avid knitter (on years I'm NOT living oprah) and a novice seamstress. Your work is so lovely, it's inspiring me to get going on some sewing projects that I've not worked on for ages. I
I'll be sure to check you out on Etsy.
And I wanted to thank you for your presence on my blog, by the way, your insights are so appreciated. You might be "newer" to the site, but you've made a big impression and I'm thrilled you found us. I wanted to email you personally, but didn't see an email address on your blog. I hope this public comment isn't embarrassing. Please delete me asap if leaving this note was inappropriate!
Best to you, LO
Dang GIRL! You have been busy! I LOVE THEM!!
Please tell us where the craft show will be!! Please!?! I am thinking I need to reat me to the gingy one! HEE.
Oh, I love those! Especially the Hershey's kiss cookies. Those are a tradition with my family, too! (So, I've been lurking on your blog for quite a while! I either found you through etsy or craftster... you're very talented!)
Thanks guys!
LO- How sweet that you checked out my blog! I really hope you write a book about your whole experience Living Oprah. I wish Oprah would do a show about the rewards of creating arty things with your own 2 hands and not so much about the rewards of successful entrepreneurship.
Nan- it will be December 5 somewhere here in Grayslake at someone's house. I have to get the details and do my part to promote! We plan a daytime session for the stay-at-home-moms and an evening session with snacks and drinks provided.
I found your blog on Today's Creative Blog, sorry to comment on an old post but I had tell you how beautiful I think your blanket stitches are. Not only do I forget how to do them all the time (don't ask me why, I seem to have a brain freeze when it comes to them) but I can never get them so even and lovely as yours. Anyway, I love all your creations!
Jane- Thanks for your nice comment about my blanket stitches. My trick is that I do whip stitches counter clockwise and blanket stitches clockwise. This makes big difference for me!
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