PAT and VIP are super excited about their embroidered gingham! I was relieved to finally find this McCalls booklet. Grandma had saved it since 1962 and it came to me when she passed away 5 years ago.
This has illustrations and pattern information for sewing patterns McCalls sold at the time and then on the opposing page is the gingham pattern:

There is a lot of retro charm here:

Most of the cross stitching is really simple:

In case you have never cross stitched, it is easy to learn. Here are some instructions:

I like these simple geometrics:

Unfortunately, I don't think the charm of chicken scratch embroidery really shows in this booklet. It would benefit from some actual photographs. I did a "chicken scratch embroidery" search at Flickr and found some wonderful projects HERE.
I bet someone has these pattern packs offered by McCalls in the early 1960's. I sure wish Grandma had these!

I have a few more photos of this booklet at my flickr HERE. You can see the full sized patterns if you click on a photo and then click "All Sizes".
I have done some aprons with some embroidery like this along with rick-rack. I actually think this was from a modern McCall's apron pattern. This is an old photo taken with my old, bad camera:

love the illustrations! I really like how it looks with the rick rack as well. I might have to give this a try.
Thanks for sharing this booklet! I love chicken scratch. And, I love what you did with the rick rack.
I would give anything to dig in my grams old stash and see what she had. To think she actually had a custom made dress from and my mom gave it away! Not that I could fit into her clothes but OH MAN I would love to see it all! I was so little when she died...*sigh*...
That is a great little booklet. And I love the piece you made, especially with the addition of the rick-rack. So cute!
Brilliant patterns, they make you want to get some gingham, thread and needle and start embroidering. Thanks for sharing them.
Those booklets are great! I'm sure I'll be adding a few of the pictures to my Flickr favorites. Thanks, Susie!
What a treasure to receive! I love the way chicken scratch looks when finished and its very easy to do!
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