I used 14 count waste canvas for this. I found the free pattern online HERE at Alita Designs.

I did 4 repeats of the pattern. It would be incredibly lovely going across a whole surface. My daughter was trying to pay me a compliment by saying that it looks "store boughten". She hasn't quite learned that that isn't really what we are going for with our hand stitching, but she's sweet.
Stitching this was fun, but I remember why I quit doing cross stitch. It is very detailed and small. In the time it takes to do a small project like this you could sew up an entire quilt top. I did watch several fun movies on TV. Have you seen Waitress?
I've been meaning to see Waitress! Good, eh? Must see.
OH, and I finnalllllyyyyy did my hearted blog award. Thank you sooo much!!!! Sorry I'm such a slacker. xo
That's why I never have been able to go back to x-stitching too! That turned out very pretty; I can't wait to see what others add to to the towel.
I watched Waitress recently (while I was embroidering, actually) and thought it was quirky and funny. Altho her husband . . . I was sorely tempted to reach thru the screen and slap him ;-). Sure wish I could bake pies like that gal!!
I think it's great! I always think I would like to do cross stitch then I remember the few times I have tried it has been just awful...
Waitress is on my list
Beautiful work! I love the movie Waitress. Fun and inspirational :)
Cross-stitch is best done while listening to a great audio book. You cannot believe how much can get done (or how many hours go by). But that was back before kids. I will take it sometimes while waiting on a dance class to be finished.
It's really pretty! It is time-consuming though, which is part of the reason I put it aside a bit.
lovely stitching Susie - I love cross stitch but agree that it is painstakingly slow. I have just bought Chartered Folk Designs for Cross Stitch which I am hoping will fill me with inspiration for table cloths and runners and even kitchen curtains (a la Posie gets cozy!) And what a sweet girlie!
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